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Total Commander 7 public beta is available!


Referer(引用页)需要设置 比如 http://www.ghisler.com/


很实用 对开发很有好处 呵呵

The most important are (from the help):

* Updated user interface: flat buttons also on XP, new file list icons, drive icons, and bar icons (by external designer)
* Separate background color can be set for odd and even lines
* Compare by content now allows to edit files, and to re-synchronize manually
* Separate tree panel: Either one for both file panels, or one for each
* Lister now supports a text cursor, allows to center images, and resize only larger
* Change attributes allows to use/change content plugin values
* File operation logging
* Show drive letter in folder tabs
* File system plugins can now support custom columns and thumbnails
* Multi-rename-tool: Allow to edit target names directly
* More options in copy overwrite dialog: Compare by content, Rename target, automatic rename, copy all smaller or all larger
* Exclude directories in "Show"-"Custom...", e.g. with *.* | .cvs\
* Increased maximum command line length to 8191 (XP) and 2047 characters (Windows 2000), respectively
* Sort by additional columns, e.g. by size, then by date/time: Ctrl+click on additional columns
* Auto-complete path in command line, current directory, copy dialog etc.
* Use Shift+Del to remove unwanted entries from various comboboxes: Command line, search function, multi-rename-tool etc.
* Secure FTP over SSL/TLS, enter the URL as follows: ftps://ftp.servername.com . Needs openssl dlls stored in Totalcmd directory (not included for legal reasons).
* Custom user-defined commands for main menu and hotkeys
* Alias commands for the command line for internal commands or external programs
* Overwrite dialog allows to show preview images and custom fields
* When a copy/move/delete/create directory operation fails due to insufficient rights, ask user whether he wants to copy as administrator. Also allow a user to give himself permanent read rights to a directory if he knows the administrator password.
* Create ZIP archives > 2GB
* and many more...

norton 诺顿病毒库
OurAntiVirus 我们的反病毒
proxy 免费代理
proxylist 中国代理列表
search FTP 搜索引擎
IPCN 站点导航
windtear 追求完美
windtear RSS 聚合门户
Money 理财资讯银行信息投资参考
Life 城市生活信息
IT 业界特快
Software 软件资讯 软件下载
firefox 浏览器
domain 免费域名
typeset 假古文
speed 互联网带宽
whois IP地理位置
alumni 校友录/同学录客户端


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 1, 2006 10:14 AM.

The previous post in this blog was 冰刃 IceSword v1.20.

The next post in this blog is Firefox 发布 下载地址.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.