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Unlocker 1.8.5



Unlocker 1.8.5 - 07/09/2006

- New feature: Copy locked file. There is a new drop entry in the drop
down menu which allow you to copy a file which has a handle
opened. Very useful to copy .ncb files opened by Visual Studio
for example.
- Improved UI: Unlocker Assistant is now multilanguage. Thanks to RDPK7
(Bulgarian), Jiun-Liang Lin (Chinese traditional), Toma Bendasek
(Czech), Hoder Balder Marcus Jensen (Danish), Raphael Fetzer
(German), Javier L. (Spanish), Tuukka Rantala (Finnish), Ilya
Dan (Hebrew), DirektX (Hungarian), Marco D'Amato (Italian),
Catbaron (Japanese), Dae-Seok Kim and Kim JaeGeun (Korean),
Tommy Skaue (Norwegian), Marcin Wawer (Polish), Rhadoo (Romanian),
Dmitry Yerokhin (Russian), Emperror (Slovak), Egzon Beqa
(Albanian), Pruthisith Prateepavanich (Thai), Aleg Azarousky
(Belarusian), Aleksander 'Quattro' Hropot (Slovenian), Igor
Gubaidulin (Lithuanian), Ozzii (Serbian), Adis Imamovich (Bosnian)
- Fixed bug: Denied access issue when selecting several files.
- Fixed UI: Fixed many languages problems.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 15, 2006 10:24 PM.

The previous post in this blog was opera 9.02.

The next post in this blog is 腾讯 QQ2006 珊瑚虫版 v4.5.2b.

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