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AMCap 9.10



AMCap is a small yet fully functional video capture and preview application compatible with Microsoft DirectShow (formerly ActiveMovie, hence the name). It is based on the sample AMCap source code from the Microsoft DirectX 9 SDK. I added many features that I was requested, including:

* DV camcorder playback and recording
* improved TV tuner suppport and management
* still capture in BMP, JPEG and PNG
* optional real-time compression
* remember Video Input, Video Standard and Video size from previous session
* full screen mode
* support for multi-monitor and deinterlacing (using VMR9)
* caption bar and menu on/off
* always on top feature

The VMR9 option enables support for the multi-monitor, zooming, aspect ratio and deinterlacing features (Microsoft DirectX 9.0 required.)

Download AMCap

Released: Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Version: 9.10 (Build 88.3)

视频音频捕获软件。支持Directx9.0,兼容大多数摄像头,可以制作个人专有的MTV等。支持多显示器、全屏、菜单标题栏的隐藏和 VMR9 等功能。


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 16, 2006 11:10 PM.

The previous post in this blog was ACDSee Classic 2.44.

The next post in this blog is autoruns 8.53.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.