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Foxit Reader 2.0 Build 0930 Release





Foxit Reader 2.0 is just released. This new version introduces many exciting features, including multi-language UI, dynamic downloading of add-ons, form filler, better look and feel and much more.


Foxit Reader 2.0 is a free PDF document viewer and printer, with incredible small size (only 1.5 M download size), breezing-fast launch speed and amazingly rich feature set. Foxit Reader 2.0 supports Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.6.

Version 2.0 introduces many exciting new features, including interactive form filler, multi-language UI support, on-demand download of add-on, self upgrade, Javascript support, improved printing speed, streamlined UI and much more.

In the past, you have to download a huge PDF Reader from other software company, go through a lengthy installation process and wait for an annoying splash window to disappear just to open a PDF document. Moreover, if you want to annotate a PDF document, you have to pay US$299 to buy certain PDF software.

Now with Foxit Reader 2.0, you don't have to endure such pain any more. The following is a list of compelling advantages of Foxit Reader 2.0:

* Incredibly small: The download size of Foxit Reader is only 1.5 M which is a fraction of Acrobat Reader 20 M size
* Breezing-fast: When you run Foxit Reader, it launches instantly without any delay. You are not forced to view an annoying splash window displaying company logo, author names, etc.
* Annotation tool: Have you ever wished to annotate (or comment on) a PDF document when you are reading it? Foxit Reader 2.0 allows you to draw graphics, highlight text, type text and make notes on a PDF document and then print out or save the annotated document.
* Text converter: You may convert the whole PDF document into a simple text file.
* High security and privacy: Foxit Reader highly respects the security and privacy of users and will never connect to Internet without users' permission. While other PDF Reader often silently connects to the Internet in the background. Foxit PDF Reader does not contain any spyware or adware.

New Features

Foxit Reader 2.0 introduces many exciting new features listed below:

* Interactive form filler: Now you don't have to print out PDF forms first and then manually fill out paper forms. Instead, you can use PC to fill out interactive forms directly, and then print them out, save them, email them or export the form data into FDF file for further processing.
* Multi-language UI that can be dynamically switched: The user interface of Foxit Reader now can be switched to different languages dynamically, thanks to the generous help from our user community.
* On-demand download of add-on: With add-ons, the function of Foxit Reader can be extended unlimitedly. Advanced feature modules and seldom-used modules are packed as add-on to be downloaded when needed.
* Self-upgrade: In the past, when you want to upgrade Foxit Reader, you have to frequently visit Foxit website, check for new release, and then manually download the new version, uninstall the old version and re-install the new version. Now this whole process is simplified and you only need to click on the menu item "Check for update now".
* Javascript support: Advanced users are able to use Javascript to create complex logic for PDF forms, to validate user input and process data.
* Improved printing speed: Printing a PDF file with many images on it to a PostScript printer used to be slow. Version 2.0 has been optimized for such printing.
* Streamlined UI: Version 2.0 comes with a neat UI. Annotation tool buttons are grouped together and no longer being showed on several toolbars.

Free Reader

Foxit Reader 2.0 itself is free. As to add-ons, the critical add-ons are free while advanced add-ons are non-free. For example, you can use the following functions for free:

* View or print PDF document
* Fill out PDF forms and save them
* View PDF as text
* Critical add-ons, such as UI language package, JPEG2000/JBIG decoder, CJK package, GDI+ for early Windows version, etc

The followings are several examples of non-free, advanced add-ons:

* Pro Pack is not free. It unlocks functions to save annotation, save a PDF document as a text file, copy text from text viewer. Actually without Pro Pack, you are still able to annotate a PDF document and print it out. However when you save the annotated document, it will be stamped with an evaluation mark on the top-right corner of the annotated pages. If you purchase a Pro Pack add-on, then there will be no evaluation mark.
* Foxit PDF Creator, which allows you to convert non-PDF file into PDF file, is non-free.
* Foxit PDF Editor, which allows you to modify content of a PDF file, is non-free.

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