« FlashGet 1.80官方2006.12.31修正 | Main | 傲游 2.0 新年特别版1月1日发布 »

KMPlayer released



kmplayer.exe (3.39 MB)
kmp.zip (15.39 MB)

What's new in (2007-01-01):

Extended DVD Supports

* Revised DVD settings wholly with detailed configurations to a main tree in preferences.
* DVD settings are extended to set decoders up separately for convenience' sake.
* Added a function to select DVD navigators.
* Added a function to enable Closed Caption in DVD configuration. You should enable it to see the closed caption.
* Added an option to select an audio and video renderer independently when playing DVD.
* Fixed a serious bug of crashing the player when calling a dvd menu and polished the overall operation.

Revamped WDM device supports

* Added a function to open an analog and HDTV device directly in right clicking on KMP > Open menu
* Adjusted num keypad to be able to be used in wdm mode. For example, you can change a TV channel using numpad.
* Added a function to go to recent channel in WDM control.
* Added a function to use waveout device when connecting to wdm audio device(TV cards).
* It is possible now to connect directly to the audio device of some TV cards which is independent of directshow.
* Added a function of category alternation of video device in the dialog box of WDM configuration. This modification is specifically done for the DTV support of SKY HDTV card.
* Improved VBI(Closed Caption) support of WDM(TV).
* Improved the function of BDA tuning. It is possible to select among DVB(-T, -S, -C) and MS tuning.
* Fixed a problem of not hearing a sound from analog video of SKY HDTV.
* Fixed a problem of not displaying a screen when switching DTV <-> ATV in some TV cards.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 2, 2007 12:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was FlashGet 1.80官方2006.12.31修正.

The next post in this blog is 傲游 2.0 新年特别版1月1日发布.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.