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Source Insight v3.50.0054




Version 3.50.0054 - March 14, 2007

Fix: Crashing bug when parsing very long #define statements with a lot of line continuation tokens.

Fix: Crashing bug while parsing some deeply nested anonymous structs and unions.

Fix: Maximum nesting level for parsing block scopes has been increased.

Fix: Document Types using file filters with more than a single dot (.) would not match correctly. For example, "*.abc.xyz" would not match anything.abc.xyz.
Version 3.50.0053 - March 12, 2007

Fix: Windows Vista compatibility changes to improve some GUI issues, such as slow animating, and slow window dragging.

Fix: Using a preprocessor "token macro" when defining a class would not parse correctly in some cases.

Fix: C# operator member functions were not being parsed correctly.

Change: Long dotted symbol names can now be longer before they are abbreviated with ellipses.

Change: Token macros can be composed of non-alphanumeric characters. Previously, they had to consist only of characters legal for indentifiers.

Change: The "smart paste" feature has been renamed "intelligent paste". This was done at the request of SlickEdit Inc., since they feel "smart paste" infringes on their trademarked term "SMARTPASTE". The functionality of this feature is unchanged.
Version 3.50.0052 - Feb 8, 2007

New: Options in Options > Preferences: Typing - for auto-complete of function names, two new options were added: "Insert spaces between parameters", and "Insert space after function name"

Fix: C# parsing of generic function with nested type parameters. For example:

private Dictionary> MethodThatIsNotParsed()

Fix: C# further fixes to generics parsing.

Fix: Crash that could occur if a class was missing a semi-colon after the closing brace, and you attempted Jump To Definition.
Version 3.50.0051 - Dec 26, 2006

New: NewProjEx macro function.

Syntax: NewProjEx(name, homedir, datadir, fGlobalConfig, fStoreLocals, fStoreMembers, fStoreSyllables)

name: the project name. Eg. "myproject".

homedir: the home directory of the source files.

datadir: the directory where project data files are stored.

fGlobalConfig: true if the project should use the global settings file, or false if it should use its own configuration.

fStoreLocals: store data about function local variables in the database for browsing.

fStoreMembers: store data about class/struct members in the database for browsing.

fStoreSyllables: store data about syllables for browsing.

Returns the new project handle (hprj) or nil if errors.

New: Java: Added support for enums, including enum member functions.

New: Java: Added support for Java Generics.

New: C#: Added new support for C# Generics.

Fix: Unable to save changes in Default Project Settings dialog.

Fix: The Browse Files dialog did not show all "Known Document Types". This is a limitation of the Windows common dialog for Open File. Now you can select each document type seperately in the dialog's "Type" drop-down list.

Fix: .Net Framework symbols might not show up in the auto-complete list. Due to a change made in an earlier update, the class members in the NetFramework may not be found in the auto-complete feature. If .Net symbols do not auto-complete, then open the NetFramework project, and select Project > Rebuild Project.

Fix: Sometimes files were said to be modified outside of SI, but they were not. This most likely happened on network drives. Under some conditions, the Windows directory information can lag for remote drives. SI now uses a better method of getting file information.

Fix: Various bugs caused by compiler optimization bugs. In some cases, SI would simply crash. This has been tracked down to a code generation bug in the compiler, so the offending optimizations have been turned off in this build of SI.

Change: Some changes to default Document Options.
Version 3.50.0050 - Oct 12, 2006

Fix: File Menu was missing the Load Workspace command.

Fix: Context Window Display bug that could result in a crash.

Fix: Relation Window could omit symbols.

Fix: Macro function SetWndSel() was not working for rectangular selections.

Change: Macro function RunCmdLine now returns the process exit code if the fWait parameter is true.

Change: Logging options in the Preferences: General dialog. Clicking the Logging button lets you specify what to log. This is intended for troubleshooting. The log files are now stored in "My Documents\Source Insight\Logs", and they now contain more useful information.
Version 3.50.0049 - June 29, 2006

Fix: Syntax Formatting was not always displaying class names correctly when used with a new statement.

Fix: C/C++ - the #if defined X preprocessor statement was not working, unless the expression X was enclosed in parentheses.

Fix: C/C++, C# - some 'parse too complex' problems were fixed.

Fix: Macro Language - it was possible to run out of project handles too soon.

Fix: File Save - temporary files are now created in the default Windows temp folder (on the local drive) during the 'Save' operation, instead of in the target file's folder. This is more compatible with certain file systems.

Fix: Windows Vista: Dialog boxes were causing heap corruption due to the fact that Vista uses a different GUI font name, and was causing a buffer overflow in Source Insight.

New: Multiple Backup Files - When you save a file, a new copy of the file is saved into the Backup folder (see: Options > Preferences: Folders) Source Insight used to keep only one version of the backup file. Now, each backup file is given a unique name, and the backup files are kept for a specified amount of time. Select Options > Preferences: Files to see a new option: "Remove backup files older than (days)". You can indicate the maximum age of backup files.
Version 3.50.0045 - Jan 27, 2006

Fix: Relation Window - clicking the Refresh button when locked would not refresh the window.
Version 3.50.0044 - Jan 26, 2006

Fix: Custom Commands that contained a semi-colon in the "Run" string inside quote marks would not run correctly.

Fix: Search Forward for Selection command would give an error if you used the command when white-space was selected.

Fix: Preferences:Typing the "After pasting select ..." setting was not being saved in the configuration file.

Fix: C/C++ #if statements where sometimes evaluated incorrectly.

Fix: C/C++ Edit Condition - Scan Files would not update the condition list correctly. Sometimes it had no effect. (New values were entered into the list, but a bug caused the new entries to be ignored.)

Fix: C/C++ Strings - long strings (such as L"text") that spanned more than 1 line were not parsed correctly.

Fix: 'Parse too Complex' - several situations were fixed.

Fix: C++ conversion operator were not parsed correctly. These are also known as "cast operators".

Fix: Window Activation was incorrectly shown in the window titlebar when opening a file from the Project Window, in some cases.

Fix: Performance improvements when checking file status in the background. This helps the situation when many files are open, and those files are on a remote network drive.

Change: Context Window will continue to track in the background, even if it is in the "rolled-up" state.

New: Macro Language 'global' statement A new statement was added to declare global variables. Global variables have global scope, and they persist for the duration of the session. For more information, see Global Variables.

New: Macro Language pre/post increment/decrement operators are now supported, like in C. That is, ++i, i++, --i, i++.

New: Macro Event Handlers have been added. An event handler is a function that gets called when specific events occur.

For more information, see Event Handlers.
Version 3.50.0042 - August 8, 2005

Fix: 'Parse too Complex" problem was fixed.
Version 3.50.0040 - July 11, 2005

Fix: Keyboard input could be confused by a keyboard overrun (i.e. you hold down a key and overflow the input buffer).

Fix: Macro function Msg() now has a Cancel button, along with the OK button. Clicking Cancel aborts the macro.
Version 3.50.0039 - June 22. 2005

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